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Fire since 1828

At the beginning of history there was Fire,
at the beginning of ours as well.

It was 1828 and in d
eManincor's workshop they started to design the first wood burning cookers and cooking machines. Then and now, fire is heat and passion. The Heat that cooks, the Heat that warms up our houses, but also the Heat and the Passion that make us design every single detail of our cooking ranges since almost 200 years.
The first units were unique, extraordinary objects conceived for private users, hotellerie and restaurants. That care for details, that taste for well-done jobs have not changed. We have added up time and experience, the choice for technologies and materials: always more performing. The starting point for high efficiency and low emissions.
Our values for over than 180 years

We know it: to stay lit up, fire needs to be stoked.
This is how it is in our Family: for five generations, passion is the fuel stoking our activity.

We manufacture wood burning cookers and stoves looking for a perfection made of love for beautiful things. 
A handcraft working allows to create cookers and stoves that decorate our houses.

Today the greatest Chefs choose DeManincor, because where is beauty, functionality cannot miss. 
Our products are 100% made in Italy, and in a very special place: Trentino is the land of DeManincor. from this land we have learnt rigor and accuracy, and also love for the environment around us. For these reasons, our cooking ranges are manufactured with non-polluting materials, 100% recyclable. 